Our inspiration stems from the abundant natural beauty and resources gifted to us by Haiti, a place our founders have deep ties with.

Haiti’s land gives us so much of its natural beauty and resources, and we are committed to giving back by investing in the kids of Furcy. We believe that education stands as the cornerstone for shaping their future.

Nathania Dominique plays a central role in FURCY Botanik’s community-focused efforts by launching a charitable program benefiting the children of Furcy.

FURCY Botanik donates $5 from every purchase to The Kids of Furcy Foundation, a non-profit, philanthropic organization in partnership with the public and private sector that initiates, enriches, and supports educational access and opportunity in the village of Furcy in Haiti.

The foundation is associated with the French-based organization Haiti-Futur, which operates in 55 schools throughout Haiti's most economically challenged regions.

Immediate funding goes to support the purchase of computers, software and school supplies, internet access, a library, musical instruments, staff and teacher salaries, a school cafeteria, solar energy, and general site management.

Our long term vision also includes the renovation of an existing school facility to serve as the "L'ecole Nationale de Furcy" where courses like computer science, physical education, music, and permaculture will be taught as well as adult literacy, sewing, cooking, and cosmetology. A fully-staffed nursing station will offer care for basic medical needs.

The Rosita Gedeon Foundation

Harvey Gedeon founded the Rosita Gedeon Foundation in honor of his mother. This foundation offers financial support to young women from Haiti, enabling them to pursue S.T.E.M. studies at Florida International University in Miami.